Friday, December 17, 2010

Issue #2 - Ensuring Quality Care for Medicare Patients

More that 42 million Americans age 65 or older who have disabilities receive Medicare benefits.  The problem with this is that for the past years health care expenses have soared.  This in tern has caused the federal spending dedicated to Medicare to rise dramatically.  Many policymakers agree that Medicare must be reformed if it is to remain solvent.  With the "baby boom" generation reaching retirement the program is expected to run out of money early in the century unless reforms are implemented.  The goal is to do this and still regulate and ensure the quality of care that Medicare patients are receiving.  The way things are now doctors get paid based on their quantity of services not the quality of those services.  In 2006 legislators approved a new "pay-for-performance" system that would allow Medicare to pay doctors a 1.5 percent bonus for providing good quality services.  Supporters of this want Medicare to reward doctors and hospitals for doing a good job.  Opponents of this policy say that the policy undermines doctors' autonomy and judgment in treating their patients.
I would have to agree with those that object to this piece of legislation. Doctors dont need to be payed more to do their job. It their responsibility to treat patients. They take an oath that they will do this in their practice.  I believe that doctors shouldn't need a financial incentive to provide quality care to their patients. At any other job the person would be fired it they said they wanted more money to do their job well.  So why should we do that for doctors.  After all we entrust them with the most precious thing we possess, our own live. I agree with Representative Pete Stark when he said federal officials "do not have the capability, the understanding, the knowledge, or the training" to set standards for the quality of medical care 

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Warning Shot

In the past couple of days tension between North and South Korea has risen. there have been shot fired from both sides. Yesterday South Korea fired warning shots at a North Korean fishing boat. This boat  had drifted to close to the boarder so the South Koreans fired. 10 total shots were fired at the boat all of them were warning shot not intended to hit the boat. The North Koreans do not like to follow the boarder laws because they feel that area is theirs.

I think that North and South Korea should work out some of their problems so it doesn't come down to shooting a simple fishing boat. This could cause many problems in the future and they should work out some of the problems. I know the North is controlled by a crazy leader but someone needs to take control over there.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Republicans in the house

With the new elections taking place the republicans are in a good position to take a the majority of the seats in the House of Representatives. At first it looked as if the democrats would hold control of the house but by the end of the day all the projections say that the republicans will win enough seats to gain control of the the House. By 10:30, thirteen of the thirty nine seats they needed to take control in the House had already been won.

I think that this is a good thing. now that we have had democrats in the house for a few years our         country is switching views and becoming more republican again. this could help make this easier for the republicans to get their views across in the house. hopefully they will work together to help solve some of the issues that we have as a country today.


Monday, October 25, 2010

Major quake

On Monday a large earthquake hit the western parts of Indonesia. This earthquake hit a 7.5 on the rictor scale. on Monday at about 10:30et this quake devastated the area. the temblor was 8.8 miles deep. this area is very prone to earthquakes as it is located in the ring of fire. similar quakes have hit this area before. the death and damage tolls have not been calculated yet.

I think it is good that the scientists in the area were able to predict that this quake may hit and that they also warned the area of a potential tsunami that could have devastated the area if it really did hit. keeping data on this type of accident is very important and i think that they are doing a good job of it because scientists are becoming better at warning or predicting of accidents like this.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

drone attack

Eight people were killed on Monday after a U.S. drone attack. This took place just outside of Afghanistan. three missiles were shot and they hit a home in the town of Mir Ali bazaar. According to the report many Germans were living in this house. These men were believed to be linked to the terrorist leader Osama bin Laden. This is not the first drone attack the U.S. has sent out in this area and probably wont be the last as some Europeans have turned on the U.S.

I think that this is a good sign for the US using these unmanned air crafts we can make sure we are saving American lives and possibly preventing more terrorist attacks against other Americans. I think it is important for our troops and all Americans that we are now using this technology for a very good cause. Using things like this will help end this war much faster.


Monday, October 4, 2010

Issue #3 Social Insecurity

Entitle­ment programs like Social Security will soon be in big trouble. In the next few years the social security program will now be spending more money than it can bring in. There are many views on how we can fix this. Some people think that nothing is wrong and we just need to ride it out making only minor changes. Others have the belief that the system needs to be overhauled to compensate for the high number of people filing for social security. If this problem is not solved soon entitlement programs like social security will be using about half of the yearly federal budget.

I agree with the people who think that we need to make minor changes and that we should do small thing to keep this program running without using a lot of the federal budget. these minor changes could include things like raising the cap for earnings that can be taxed or raising the retirement age from what it is now. all of these small changes could all heavily affect the amount of the federal budget that would be used on programs such as social security. To learn more about social security you can visit for more info.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Sri Lanka

A truck parked outside of the police station exploded. there are 25 confirmed deaths and there are expected to total up to 60 deaths in all. The truck was loaded with many explosives that were to be used by a rock quarry. Military officials believe that it was truly and accident and that the truck was not sabotaged. The explosion was even bigger because there was also 3 cases of dynamite inside the prison, making the blast much more deadly.

I do not think this was an accident. the report has even stated that this was an area of much conflict. I am also not sure who thought it would be a good idea to park a truck full of explosives right in front of a police station. how will region deal with not having any cops to enforce the laws. Things like this will continue to happen if someone doesn't step up take control of the region and start making good decisions.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Kraft Plant

 In Philadelphia a woman was suspended from her job. After learning that she was suspended she returned to the plant and fired her hand gun. She killed two people and injured another. Eventualy the police were able to arrest her. Kraft would not anounce why this woman was suspended. The shootings happed just after 8:30 pm on Thursday. 

I think that these kinds of accidents need to be avoided. i know the unemployment is going up but Kraft clearly did not tell this woman that she was loosing her job very well. Also security at this plant must not be very good because she was able to bust through them and walk into the building to light up some of her co-workers. If i were the familys of the victoms i would be very upset with Kraft. Things like this should not happen!